Friday, July 18, 2014

August is Almost Here

It may not seem like a big deal, but here at Faith Foundations Family Child Care we begin our school year curriculum. Our schedule for outside time and meals times will still remain for the summer months, however we will begin our full on curriculum for the school year. The children will not only learn their ABC's. They will be learning numbers, patterns, social studies and science. We will be doing Bible time and reading. Top that off with arts and crafts and you have our week. Sounds like a lot - well it is, but we do this on a rotating schedule. At least two subjects will be taught in a day.

Currently our summer time schedule is as follows:


Children eat as they come in. When they have finished eating, they are able to go in the daycare room and do independent play.


Bible time


Circle time. Here we will learn our letter, number, pattern, calendar, shape, and weather for the day/week/month.


*Outside time. If it rains, the children are able to play on the covered porch just to get fresh air.


Craft time/Independent play/Curriculum Activity


Lunch. I believe that a child should not rush eating. This is our opportunity to gather together and sit at the table as a unit. Lots of good conversations take place at our meals times and I try to gather everyone together. This builds some level of unity.


This is quiet/nap time. If your child does not go to sleep, they do have an option to lay quietly with a book.


Afternoon snack.


*Outside time/Independent play or movie time.


Late evening snack and independent play.

After 6pm, we begin our normal family routine.

*I hold safety at the highest regards. If the temperatures are below 40 and above 90 with the heat/chill indexes, we do not go outside.

If your child does not go to sleep, I will get them up at 2pm

Our meals follow the USDA recommendations and most times exceed the minimum standards.

This schedule changes in October. I will be posting the winter schedule at that time.

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