Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Up Coming Events

Here are some activities we have coming up...

Pallet Gardening

I am not sure if you have heard about this before, but this is a tidy way to garden. We will be seeking potting or clean fill soil to go inside the pallets soon. This will keep your weeds and seeds neatly placed in a straight line. We will be doing one pallet with just corn. Another will have squash and pumpkin. One will have our peas, beans and strawberries. One will be strictly dedicated to just herbs and I would like another to have a grape bush or two with some leafy greens. All will have a variety of marigolds intertwined. Somewhere in thsi mix I hope to get some pepper and tomato plants. We'll see.

Egg Shell Planting

Before we begin the pallet gardening, we will be doing our egg shell planting. This will have flower seeds and some of vegetable plants we plan on planting. We would like for them get a head start before they go outside.

Butterfly Hatching

We are going to watch a caterpillar go through it's stages. This will be an exciting thing to experience. Nothing like watching one eventually grow into a beautiful butterfly and let it go outside. This, I believe will be a magical moment for our kids. Parents be prepared to experience the fleeting moment of seeing an identical butterfly and having it assumed to be the one we let go.


We will be working on finding, identifying and classifying different garden insects. The older children will be keeping drawing journals to document what they are observing.


We are planning a field trip one of the days between April 14th to the 18th to go to the Children's Museum of Richmond. They have a lot of fund activities happening during that week.


We are investigating several fund raising ideas to help offset the cost of field trips on the parents. More to come with this.


We do collect these so if you are not contributing these to another function, we would love to take them off your hands.

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